Tips for Surviving a Kitchen Remodeling Project

There is no doubt about how disruptive any large remodeling project can be. While a bathroom one may not be too hectic as most homes have more than one, kitchen remodeling is a different story. There are some ways, however, that you can not just survive your kitchen remodeling project, but find it fun, exciting, and a bit of adventure. Our tips below will help you accomplish this.

Tips for Surviving a Kitchen Remodeling Project

  • Tip #1 – Schedule your kitchen remodeling carefully. If you do a lot of entertaining during the holidays, that is not the time to schedule your kitchen remodeling. Of course, doing it a couple months ahead of time is great as you’ll love showing it off to your family and friends. Another suggestion is scheduling it when your kids will be at camp or visiting grandparents or other family. In the latter case, see if they’ll take your pets in the bargain so they won’t be underfoot or accidentally let outdoors.
  • Tip #2 – Set up an alternate kitchen area. Even if you plan to eat the majority of your meals in restaurants or via takeout, it is beneficial to set up an area with your coffee pot and perhaps a dorm-size refrigerator for coffee creamer, drinks, and snacks. If you want to be able to still cook a few meals during your kitchen remodeling, consider a hotplate, electric skillet, crock pot, and other kitchen appliances you can set up on your dining room table. Be sure to consider how you’ll be washing these afterward. Perhaps a neighbor will let you use their dishwasher or sink every so often in exchange for an invitation to a dinner in your home once your kitchen remodeling project is completed.
  • Tip #3 – Use disposable dishes, utensils, and cups. Unless you envision washing dishes in a tub on your deck, the bathtub, or bathroom sink, consider using disposable items you can just toss in the trash. Even with a neighbor’s help, they’ll appreciate it if you don’t completely fill their dishwasher every day.
  • Tip #4 – Take advantage of your outdoor kitchen, if you have one. Grilling can be an everyday thing instead of just a weekend one. Plan meals where you can grill all the courses.

At The Bath Shop, we do everything in our power to make your kitchen remodeling project as pleasant as possible. Even if you’re doing okay by using your outdoor kitchen, we will stay on the job until everything is complete, so you can get back to normal quickly and be enjoying your beautiful and functional new kitchen. Contact us today to learn more.

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